Part 7: 04/26/09 - 04/30/09

Alright, so, during the solo half of the Tartarus excursion, not much of interest happens. Even Tired, we're in no real danger after all; that's what happens when you stick to the lower floors because they're convenient enough for our purposes.

Hit level 5 really quickly, which lets us make Nekomata so that Makoto can be still lagging behind where Kotone... was... before the Eagles. At least she has Rakunda inherited from the Pixie. That's useful.

Bonus EXP pushes her up to level 6 and almost, but not quite, level 7. As a general rule, you get enough EXP to give levels equal to half the Social Link rank.

During the real grind for getting from 5 to 6, we get a lot of money, trash weapons to sell later, regain Pixie and Apsaras from Shuffle Time and... get this gal. She'll be useful later on and let Makoto grind easier since he has Garu access now. Wind helps tear through Grave Beetles after all. Plus, they always come alone...

But, the real reason we care about Angel is that she lets us fuse an Ara Mitama without giving up Nekomata.

This is important because we're going to need both Nekomata AND Ara Mitama this week. Ara is really good for this stage in general because of his resistance to Strike, that he has Bash and good Strength, both Rakukaja AND Rakunda...

And then he gets Sukukaja at level 8 as well, just because he wasn't useful enough already. So long as we don't get (too) Tired on the way up, he can hopefully carry us through the rest of this part of Tartarus. Uh, next time we come here I mean.

Oh and this is what I was banking on happening. It seems like a terrible thing, and it usually is, but we want it. It'll help speed something up ever-so-slightly.

So, Sunday is the only day of a normal week that is free. See, back until like 2003(ish) Japan had 6 day school weeks. Then it changed to the 5 day system that is somewhat more common. Persona 3, 4 and 5 all use the 6-day system because that's probably what the dev team is more accustomed to.

It's kind of annoying to have to deal with in gameplay terms, but we can still manage.

Not gonna lie, I would absolutely wear Mitsuru's winter-ish casual clothes. They're pretty cool.

...wait shit we spent too much time messing around and we ended up missing Phoenix Ranger Featherman R!

And now, the news. Our first story is about the many youngsters with only part-time employment...
Phoenix Ranger Featherman is one of the few consistent ties between the PS1 Persona games and now, since this was originally in Persona 2 Innocent Sin. Phoenix Ranger Featherman R is a pastiche of a real Sentai show, Chojin Sentai Jetman, which ran every week for a full year from 1991 to 1992. Someone at Atlus clearly really liked that show but I personally cannot speak for its actual quality or anything.

The reason I know it's that particular series and not anything else is... well, I don't know for sure but it's the closest by far. The whole bird theme and what the in-universe Phoenix Rangers are called makes it a reasonable presumption. Some of them are even lifted wholesale from Chojin Sentai Jetman, no less!

Honestly, the city really isn't that big. There ARE a few places that we haven't seen yet, but we'll get there in time I'm sure.

We could absolutely head into Wild Duck Burger right now ourselves, but that uses up our day so that's not happening yet. Maybe later.

What's annoying is that our S.Links are really limited right now, so we're just meandering around without much to do on Sunday. This'll change later but this week we're just gonna head over to the movies again.

Really, this is all we CAN do today of substance so the stat gain is mostly irrelevant. Like, it's NOT but it wouldn't matter which stat it was.

In a nice change, when we return home in the evening we don't get talked at immediately. It's not going to change anything from our perspective, mind.

Y'know, we might actually be using Heal/Support on Junpei before Yukari.

The TV hasn't updated with anything worthwhile since earlier in the day, so we'll just head on out. Despite being Sick, we can do things like normal which is semi-unexpected I guess. We absolutely should not go to Tartarus like this, though.

So, we won't. Instead, we'll just go croakily sing for a couple hours and grind out more Courage. I'm focussing on this one over the other two for a reason, yes.

This is a good thing. I was kind of worried that this might get cured overnight, but thankfully it didn't.

Listening: Didn't you say the same thing last week? Is that special morning assembly today? How come we're having one? We just had one last week...
Gossiping: Remember how great Kirijo-senpai's speech was last week?
Listening: Oh yeah, that speech was awesome! Although, I didn't understand most of it...
Gossiping: What I heard was, the principal got jealous, so he scheduled his own speech to compete with her.
Listening: Seriously!? What's up with that? Why do we have to suffer because of his ego!?
> The first bell has rung.

> The Principal continues with his speech...

Man, it's one already bad thing to be jealous of your students. It's kind of another to just plagiarise them so blatantly, and so quickly no less!

Oh shit, uh, I... I'm mashing select but the Network is failing me. It won't tell me the answe--
Wait, hang on, no. I actually do genuinely know this one.

> You gave the correct answer!

While I still don't believe the logic for this at all, it still makes more sense than what 4 and 5 do. Get the question wrong, nothing happens. Get the question right, you gain points towards Knowledge because you learned the right answer. It's so dumb and I don't get it at all.

We'll probably do this eventually, I guess.

We're not going to bother with that for a while. We'll do it sooner or later, though. Could duck in now since we're passing by the Faculty Office but eh, we've got enough going on as-is for the moment.

Just opposite the Library, we can find the Nurse's Office. We ARE Sick right now, so this seems like a good time to visit the nurse...

> Mr. Edogawa has a huge grin on his face.

I'm really not sure about this any more...

Well, bottoms up I guess...

> After drinking the concoction, your condition doesn't seem to be any better...

The FUCK, Edogawa?!

...But, well, at least it's a free Courage boost. It takes up no actual time, so definitely gonna be taking advantage of this whenever realistically possible, though this might be the only time until near the end of May. Might.

Huh. Didn't expect these to be here yet. Thought they were added later on. They're pretty cool looking, for their simplicity and have a nice little reminder that whatever you can do alone can be done easier and better with even one person helping.

Anyway, Kaz is not the most studious of guys so he just slept through class. Figures, really.

But we have Ara Mitama, so we can gain 1.5x the normal amount of points in any given S.Link scene for Kaz so long as he's in our stock.

We have no reason not to go to Kendo practice, really, so let's do just that.

> The Kendo Team is giving it everything they've got.
> The workout is tough, but fun.

Sure, whatever you say Kaz.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> You decided to go back to the dorm.
What, just like that? I guess we did just establish that Edogawa is terrible at his job but maaaaaybe getting that looked at by someone would be a good idea?

Or, I guess not. Whatever.

Now, see, this part is stupid and requires making Makoto act super out-of-character. It's obvious what you're expected to do but it's still dumb.

Now, we don't know Yuko. We have no reason to suspect she likes us at all in any way.
So, of course, you have to ask her to walk home together. That just makes perfect sense.

> You decided to go back to the dorm by yourself.

The shifting economy has strengthened the dollar against the yen. The current exchange rate is 1 USD to 115 yen. The change marks the yen's 1.4 percent weakening from yesterday.
Gotta admit, of all the things I expected to get out of this, economic analysis was not one of them. I'unno, it just doesn't seem to fit really.

But constantly visiting the same Empty Orchestra bar to... presumably sing the same song offscreen to get braver? Nah, that's legit.

Shame that this happens, though. Can't get more easy points off Edogawa, but it's fair enough I guess.

Uh, okay? I legitimately don't remember this coming up at all, ever, but I could be wrong and forgetting something.

Much more important is that we're going to hang out with Kaz again today. We need Ara Mitama for this one; we need 15 points from this scene. Problem is, without him we get 10 at most. With him, we get can 14. Still not enough, but it'll be fixed in time...

> The Kendo Team is giving it everything they've got.
> The workout is tough, but fun.

JV: C'mon... We're counting on you to be captain next year...
Varsity: The big meet is next year, but don't push yourself too hard. Makoto, can you take him home?

Exeunt nameless dudes.

I've watched a lot of sports anime. It's cool. I know all about the importance of Going To Nationals.

> Your relationship is stronger now!

Well, I guess that's that then. At least Kaz finally got to the nurse's office, even if it was too late.

Anyway, since we asked at the last scene and failed...

> The rich arome of coffee fills the air.
Huh, we haven't been here yet. Guess we should do that sometime.

Clowning on the best guy in the team without breaking a sweat and then watching him sit around injured is a hoot!

> Yuko seems to be concerned about you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

So, there are a couple ways that S.Links can be locked off. Stat locks are semi-frequent, since there are 3 for each stat (one at 2, one at 4 and one at max). Others, like Bunkichi and Mitsuko, are gated off solely by time. The last ones are blocked off by other S.Links. They usually don't quite work out like this one did, but this is nice streamlining that I appreciate.

> However, you're still just casual acquaintances.
Oh god and we're already hinting at the worst mechanic. Fortunately it won't rear it's messy, ugly head for real for a while...

> After saying goodbye to Yuko, you decided to go back to the dorm.

Only in English. It's actual original name is "Devil Busters Online" in order to reference real old-school MegaTen stuff.

And by real old, I mean Megami Tensei 2. For the Famicom. Which you haven't played. (You should, it's really cool and good.)

Fourth, you make it waste its turn getting up.
Fifth, downed enemies take extra damage.
Sixth, knocking down an enemy is what gives you a One More letting you chain attacks.
Mitsuru is really bad at tutorials.

Due to the Golden Week holiday, the highways are expected to be jammed bumper-to-bumper. Traffic conditions are expected to worsen from tomorrow until May 3. Officials expect the roads to be cleared by May 4th. From all of us at Action News, have a happy Golden Week!
Golden Week is a week of four national holidays that starts on April 29th. April 29th is called Showa Day in celebration of the birthday of the previous Emperor of Japan, Emperor Hirohito who was Emperor from 1926 until 1989.

Courage is already rank 3, which is good but still not good enough. It doesn't even give us anything new later on down the line at this rank!

Academics is, at least, fairly close to a rank up now. Probably not going to happen soon enough to matter but we'll see...

There's also nothing worthwhile on the TV in our room either. Boring.

Coming up next, more traffic reports. There seems to be no problem at this section, but the highway in the other direction seems to be packed. Officials are hoping the congestion will be relieved by May 4th.

So, uh, normally you can't leave the dorm and head back in afterwards without losing game time. I already planned around that, though.

Which is why we can still do this. We could go to the bookstore but...

Let's be honest, who doesn't wanna play an SMT MMO? RIP Imagine

You have 1 message.

Phil, of course, is short for "Philemon" a major NPC from Persona 1 and both halves of 2. He's technically around in every game - even 3 onwards - just... less explicitly than in those three.

> There are 1 player(s) in the area.

Man, that was FAST.

Of course, this only applies to the English releases of the game. In the Japanese releases, the given character names are "N-jima" and "Y-ko".
"N-jima" is short for Nakajima, referring to Akemi Nakajima, the main protagonist of... the entire series, really. He was the lead role for the novels that proceeeded the games, the male player character for Megami Tensei 1 on the Famicom and kind of the entire reason the series happened and turns up here and there in later games in weird ways that don't really make sense if you think about it. He was made the original main character so that they could be a boring everyman... but whoops, that's super wrong! He's actually the reincarnation of Izanagi, for one thing.
"Y-ko," likewise, is short for Yumiko Shirasagi. She's where the series name comes from. Yes. Megami Tensei, as you may or may not know, means "Reincarnation of the Goddess." Yumiko is the reincarcation of Izanami, so she's the titular Megami. She's also the main heroine for the original (terrible) novels and Megami Tensei 1. She doesn't turn up anywhere near as often as Nakajima in later games, because of course she doesn't.
...Wow, that's a lot of words to explain a localisation change. It was a sensible one, though, because Digital Devil Monogatari 1/2/3 and Megami Tensei 1 and 2 weren't released in English (and officially never have been). As a result, the references would go over everyone's head. So they changed it from things that weren't released in English to Innocent Sin which... also wasn't released in English. At least the charatcer names are fine because Eternal Punishment was.
Oh, uh, and because she was described as wearing grey before deciding to go with Maya, she was probably meant to make you think of Yukino first. (I'm sure you remember her from the first episode of Who's Who.)

> You met a person online who uses a character named Maya.

> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

> Maya's player signed off.
> You decided to log out as well.

...Yeah, that used up our entire day. No evening excursions allowed, for whatever reason.

> The teacher keeps talking about the Sengoku era...

> You stayed up and listened to the lecture...

So, what to do today...

Kaz won't rank up yet, and even though lacking a Strength or Hierophant Persona right now doesn't matter it will quickly enough...

But we have Nekomata, and she's necessary for Kenji from this point onwards so...

> Kenji is deep in thought.

Hey, so, Kenji there are these things called "laws"...

> Kenji is going on and on about Ms. Kanou's finer points.
kenji. kenji please. shut up.

> Your relationship is stronger now!

> You walked home with Kenji and talked about his plan.

We'll see what she has to say soon enough, so that's fine.

We here at Action News recommend getting some fresh air and exercise during Golden Week.
So, before we do anything else tonight we'll go see what Elizabeth wants.

> You are now able to accept Elizabeth's requests!

Oh god, there are so many of these things. That number is the numerical ID of the quest, yes, so that top one being 92 is a worrying sign. Most of them are easy, at least, so we'll clear out as many of them as I can be bothered to do.

I can't guarantee it'll be all of them, because there's too many of the things, but I'll do the ones that at least seem worthwhile.

Like this one. One Muscle Drink for 3 Revival Beads? Don't mind if I do! We even have a Muscle Drink already.

This one's important for many reasons, and so we'll be doing it at the earliest opportunity. It explicitly has to be during the day, though, so either After School or on a free day.

That's about it for today though. We can't clear out any more requests without going back to Tartarus (or waiting until a specific date) so we have a reason to do that again soon.

That and it's a good idea to get to the barrier Mitsuru mentioned before the plot decides to happen again. If we can't do that, we might have trouble down the line...